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Magic is the general designation given to the various methods of manipulating the fabric of reality via indirect intervention. Magic predates written history, and was believed to have been used by the dreadwyrm civilization during the void war.
Branches of Magic
Internal Magic
Internal magic is the more common branch of magic, accessible by around 95% of the population of Mersia. This branch of magic concerns spells which primarily impact the user. Internal magic may be used to apply a myriad of effects to attacks made using melee or ranged weapons, from the mundane (the weapon catches fire, the weapon carries an electric current), to the abstract (attacks cancel out future attacks from the target, attacks may trade locations and velocities with the user at any point).
External Magic
External magic is the less common branch of magic, only accessible by around 5% of the population of Mersia. This branch of magic concerns spells which primarily impact the environment around the user, or individuals other than the user. Spells of this type range from the straightforward (a cylinder 20 feet wide starting from the user's open palm will be filled with razor sharp winds) to the unorthodox (user will trade places with a mass of air up to 25 miles away), to the downright bizarre (user unleashes an attack proportional to one fifth of the subjective emotional intensity of a loss incurred by the user due to the actions of the target). Using external magic requires the completion of the “open mana” ritual.
Sources of Magic
There are three primary energy sources for magic. Any school of magic may be cast using any branch of magic, but these are two different axes of categorization and are not equivalent to one another. It is also possible, though remarkably more difficult, to draw on more than one branch of magic for a single spell, up to and including all three sources at once.
Knowledge Magic
Knowledge magic is the branch of magic associated with spellbooks, relying on complex glyphs and intensive study to cast. This magic functions based on the relatively high energy density of information in the space around Mersia.
There are two subtypes of this magic, stored information, and performed information.
Stored information uses a medium to store the information, which is consumed in the process of casting. For example, a spell scroll or spellbook.
Performed information uses a set of actions and invocations to store the information across a period of time, which is used to fuel the spell. For example, a dance, a ritual, or a spoken invocation would all be potential types of performed information.
Leyline Magic
Leyline magic is the branch of magic associated with drawing power from the planet itself. This branch can potentially be quite powerful, but it carries a significant risk to the user if too much energy is drawn at once.
Will Magic
Will magic is the branch of magic associated with inner power, relying on pure force of individual will. This magic functions on the individual's ability to generate, store, and draw in magical energy. Leylines are a major way of replenishing this energy for practitioners of will magic.
Schools of Magic
Formamancy is the school of magic associated with spells that change the physical form of a target. This type of magic is also known colloquially as shapeshifting magic. Its use is especially prominent among dragons.
Fulgumancy is the school of magic associated with spells that alter electrical and magnetic charges of a target. Lightning spells are the primary type of fulgural magic, though the same principles can be applied to magnetism spells. This school of magic plays a major part in the Gondwanese practice of stormmaking.
Locumancy is the school of magic associated with spells that alter the position of a target in space. Teleportation spells are the primary type of local magic, though stationary portal spells are another application.
Luxomancy is the school of magic associated with spells that alter the interaction of light with a target, or the generation of light. Illusion spells are the primary type of luxal magic, though spells that use light to damage a target have also been developed. Invisibility spells are an advanced type of luxal magic.
Motomancy is the school of magic associated with spells that alter the speed of a target. This school of magic is primarily useful in powering transports in areas with decent leyline coverage. While motion for the purpose of transportation can also be achieved using Vimancy, motal spells tend to be far more efficient.
Pondemancy is the school of magic associated with spells that change the effect of gravity on a target. Gravity and floatation spells are both types of ponderous magic. It is important to note that pondumantic magic does not change the actual mass of the target, but rather, the impact of gravity on the target.
Sonimancy is the school of magic associated with spells that create or alter sound waves. Silence and shockwave spells are both types of sonic magic. Sonimancy is related to Ventumancy, and a skilled practitioner of one school will usually be able to grasp the principles of the other quite quickly.
Technomancy is the school of magic associated with the creation or manipulation of devices. This is a barely-studied school of magic with fewer than ten practitioners, whose core principles are still poorly understood. It is the only branch of magic whose application does not rely on the manipulation of matter, energy, or natural forces, rather, it is at its most effective when applied to devices manufactured by sapes with a specific purpose in mind, though this school of magic may also be used to manufacture such devices.
Tempumancy is the school of magic associated with spells that change the flow of time for a target. Haste and slow spells are both types of temporal magic. In theory it should be possible to reverse the flow of time for a target, though this has never been achieved, and a stable method has yet to be devised.
Thermomancy is the school of magic associated with spells that change the temperature of a target. Flame and ice spells are both types of thermal magic. While some spells function on a basis of transferring thermal energy to something or from something, this is not the only way a thermal spell might work. It is also possible to directly raise or lower the temperature of a target object by directly transferring energy from the source to or from the target.
Ventumancy is the school of magic associated with spells that change the air pressure of a target area. Wind spells are the primary type of vental magic, though the same principles can be applied to water spells. This type of magic is especially useful for fish who study magic, as it can aid motion.
Vimancy is the school of magic associated with spells that apply a force to a target. These are distinguished from motomancy spells in that the method of action is different. Telekinesis spells are the primary type of vi magic, though the same principles can be applied to impact spells.
Vitamancy is the school of magic associated with spells that alter the lifeforce of a target. Healing spells are the primary type of vital magic, though the same principles can be applied in reverse, in death spells. Death spells are illegal in every nation on Mersia, however, so they are not well-studied.
Voluntamancy is the school of magic associated with spells that alter the will of a target. Courage spells are the primary type of voluntorial magic, though the same principles can be applied in Fear spells. A particularly advanced sub-school of voluntorial magic is control magic, which imbues the target with the will to perform a specific action or seek a specific goal. Control magic is strictly forbidden in all nations except under extraordinary circumstances such as self-defense.