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Ixar System

Note. I am going to go through this and perform actual calculations to make the orbital periods accurate, but I am just getting the basic feel of each planet down for right now. I'm aware the orbital periods are not 100% consistent with the orbital radius yet. Please ignore that inconsistency for now.

The Ixar System is the stellar system comprised of the star Verdai, the twelve planets orbiting it, and the other minor objects within its gravitational sphere of influence.


The planets of the Ixar System are grouped into four categories. The rocky planets, the liquid giants, Eliar, and the gas giants.

Rocky Planets

There are seven rocky planets orbiting Verdai. Their orbits vary in radius from 2.8 light minutes to 14 light minutes.


Juliad is the closest planet to Verdai, orbiting it at a distance of only 2.8 light minutes. It completes its orbit in 68 days, and is tidally locked to Verdai. It is inhospitable to life, with a surface temperature in excess of 1000 degrees F on the sunny side. It has no atmosphere. It is 7% the mass of Mersia.


Therima is the next-closest planet to Verdai, orbiting it at a distance of 4.2 light minutes. It completes its orbit in 102 days. It is inhospitable to life, with a surface temperature of 600 degrees F. It has a very thin atmosphere, with a surface that is nearly perfectly black, reflecting less than 2% of light. Due to this, it was not discovered until 415 GD. It is 15% the mass of Mersia.


Folst is the third planet from Verdai, orbiting it at a distance of 6 light minutes. It completes its orbit in 150 days. It is inhospitable to life, with an atmosphere comprised entirely of helium and sulfur dioxide. Its atmospheric pressure is 0.7 atm at the surface. It has a surface temperature of 200 degrees F. It is 78% the mass of Mersia.


Unsatha is the fourth planet from Verdai, orbiting it at a distance of 8.3 light minutes. It completes its orbit in 320 days. It is hospitable to life, with an atmosphere comprised of 50% nitrogen, 37% oxygen, 10% neon, 2% argon, and 1% carbon dioxide and other trace gases. It has an average surface temperature of 64 degrees F. It is known to have an abundance of plant life at its surface. It is expected to be colonized by 570 GD, about thirty years from now. It is the most well-studied planet after our own, with hundreds of unmanned missions to its surface, and one manned one-way mission in 520 GD.

ixar_system.1652490655.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/14 01:10 by bearglyph