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Hoop is a contact sport originating from Aden. It is played on a square court 75 feet to a side, with one team in the north and south corners, and the other team in the east and west corners.
There is a single hoop in the center of the court atop a pole, such that the hoop stands 11 feet from the ground. The court is arranged with a ten-foot-wide strip from the center of each side to the hoop which is called the “Neutral Cross”. The center of the court is surrounded by a square 30 feet to a side, rotated by 45 degrees such that the corners lie within the cross, this square is called the “Neutral Center”. There is a five-foot wide band around the outer perimiter of the court, which is called the “Neutral Outside”. The Cross, Center, and Outside are the only areas of the court where any player may freely enter and move through.