====== The Mage ====== //The Mage// is the name given to a suspected entity responsible for otherwise inexplicable measured fluctuations in the local age of souls. At present this fluctuation is suspected to be evidence of advanced [[tempumancy]] originating from the future and impacting the present. If he or she exists, he or she is likely known in his or her own time as the [[Archmagus]], a title inherited when all on Mersia recognize their power as supreme. =====Biography===== The Mage is the son or daughter of [[Diane]]. The era they have come to preside over is known to [[Arcturus Ansel]] (the sole survivor who still lives on [[Mersia]]) as the [[Silent Age]]. Less than a year after Diane's death when he was 18, The Mage uprooted all of the [[leyline|leylines]] on Mersia. This killed nearly all life on the planet except for Arcturus. Arcturus suspects that he was intentionally spared, but isn't sure why.